Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Ap Biology 2

Spore- a small, usually one-celled reproductive structure produced by seedless plants, for example this picture of a fern contains spores.

Angiosperm- flowering plants like in this picture, a rose is an example of a flowering plant.
Fruit –fleshy with seed- these are fleshy fruit that has 1 or more seeds with a soft fleshy inside like this picture of strawberries.

Tendril of a plant- special stem used by climbing plants for support and attachment like in this photo of a plant that has a tendril
Parasite- they are usually smaller then the host and take control of the host for example this picture of a dog. Dogs usually contain fleas and fleas are example of parasites.

Arthropod- an animal that has joined limbs, segmented body and has an exoskeleton made of chitin. For example this photo of a crab, it has an exoskeleton made of chitin.
Chitin- which is found on outer- skeleton of insects, lobster and crabs. For example this photo of a lobster.
Fruit with dry seed- these are fruit that are dried and contains 1 or more seeds, for example these mangos, they are dried.

Anther and Filament- filaments are the long-narrow tubes that support the pollen sacs and hold them up high within the petals of the flower to assist pollination; the anther is located at tip of the flower stamens. This picture shows a lily which shows the filament, the long tubes and the anther at the tip.
Endosperm- is the tissue produced in plants during fertilization. It also produce nutrition on form of starch like this picture, the whiteness inside the coconut represents the endosperm.
Protein- fibrous – strong proteins that is used in organism for support and protection, for example this photo of a fingernail, a fingernail contain strong proteins.
Animal with segmented body- an animal with bodies separated into parts, for example this ant.
Basidiomycete- a group of higher fungi that includes mushroom, rusts, and puffballs. For example this photo of mushrooms.
Adaption of a plant- special features that allows a plant to live in a particular place or habitat, for example this photo shows a plant climbing over other objects to adapt to its environment.

Mycelium- vegetative part, of a fungus, made of a mass or network of threadlike tubes, for example this picture of a mushroom, mushrooms contain little white thread.
Insect- usually has a three part body, three pairs of jointed leg, a pair of eyes and two antennae. Like this picture of a fly.
Exoskeleton- protective external skeleton, that provides points of attachment for muscles. For example this picture which is a crab, a crab has a protective external skeleton.
Coelomate- this animal contains a fluid filled body cavity called coelom, for example a worm because it contains coelom. In this picture shows dirt with a smal worm, dirt is where worms usually live under.

Ectotherm- organisms that control body temperature through external mean such as reptiles. This is a picture of a snake, this snake control its body temperature.
Endotherm- animal that are able to control their body temperature and is warm blooded, like this picture of a dog, dogs are able to control their body temperature.

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